The Fourth Tohoku Conference on Global Japanese Studies| 東北大学 日本学国際共同大学院
The International Graduate Program in Japanese Studies at Tohoku University is proud to announce The Fourth Annual Tohoku Conference on Global Japanese Studies. This conference will bring together scholars in Japan and scholarly audiences around the world from a range of ages, nationalities, and disciplines to exchange ideas and build possibilities for future collaboration.This year’s conference is jointly organized with the Consortium for Global Japnaese Studies.CONFERENCE TOPIC AND PRESENTERSPRECARITY IN AN INTER-CONNECTED NORTHEAST ASIA. Despite expectations of more harmonious and friendly relations after decades of ideological confrontation, a sense of precarity pervades Twenty-first Century Northeast Asia. It is ironic that this anxiety is brought about together with the acceleration of globalization and the economic intimacy between the countries of the region. National borders ceased blocking the flow of people and capital, and people are more frequently exposed to opportunities for encountering “others.” However, such a phenomenon is neither unfamiliar nor unprecedented. We know that transformation always destabilizes the familiar milieu of life and causes a surge of anxiety. Northeast Asian countries including Japan, China, Korea, Russia, and Mongolia all experienced multiple paradigm shifts of international and domestic circumstances in their respective Modern history. So precarity is always, to different extents and in different ways, a part of daily life in the region. This conference aims to reveal the murkiness of anxiety through discussing cross boundary experiences in the past and present of Northeast Asia. CONFERENCE DATES AND VENUEDate: 11-12 December, 2021Venue: Online (Zoom) CONFERENCE LANGUAGEEnglish with Japanese translation (Session 1-3) 日本語通訳付(セッション1-3) REGISTRATION Table
ORGANIZING COMMITTEEHiroki Oka (CNEAS)Alyne Delaney (CNEAS)Hiroaki Adachi (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters)Christopher Craig (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters)Hiroshi Yokomizo (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters)Takenobu Yuki (Grad. Sch. of Economics and Management)Naoyuki Ono (Grad. Sch. of International Cultural Studies)Hiroshi Kabashima (Grad. Sch. of Law)Yoshihiro Imoto (Grad. Sch. of Education)Sachiko Kiyama (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters)Hiroki Takakura (CNEAS) CONTACTFor inquiries and information please contact